By Cameron “A1rzee” Ayres
Written Jan 11th 2022
Aspyre took a massive leap forward with the release of their website. This exciting announcement comes as Aspyre continues to make strides to further upgrade the exposure of the organization. Asypre Founder and Co-Owner Logan “Former” Boyer made his intentions clear by mentioning how Aspyre is exploring opportunities to promote the organization in ways other T2/T3 orgs wouldn’t, hoping to stand out among the crowd.
The product was finalized with massive help from Top Flight Media and includes multiple interactive tabs for viewers to surf through the new webpage.
Team’s - Includes every title roster under Aspyre’s name including content creators as well as Aspyre Play By Play and Commentators.
Event’s - A calendar of upcoming games and events.
Store - Team merch including jersey’s, sweater’s and flag’s amongst other apparel.
Partner’s - List and description of every Aspyre partner.
About - In depth description of Asypre Entertainment including a list of executives.
Contact - A way for viewers to contact Aspyre directly.
Aspyre plans to continue the growth of the organization in other areas and explore other opportunities to further reach the audience of eSports.
Stay up to date with all things Aspyre: Twitter - @Asypre_ENT. Twitch - @AspyreENT
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